returning dream

June 1st, 2013 § 0 comments

Last night I had a dream that we were testing a new plankton sampling tool, a large syringe more or less the size of a rocket launcher.  It had a bristly filter inside that slid out looking like a core sample of sea life.

In the dream I visited the lab of Holly Porter-Morgan and Sarah Durand, two professors at LaGuardia Community College in Queens, New York, near the Dutch Kills tributary of Newtown Creek. I have visited their lab in real life, but in the dream it was a future lab, full of new technology and gadgets that they were showing me.

In the second scene of the dream, I was walking over a marsh, and it was slow going in the soft mud. I looked at the plankton launcher and extruded its contents. Trapped in the bristles were many twinkling, turning creatures, some large and globby, others just specks of life.


Illustration by Apak,

It’s the first dream I can remember having in years.

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