happy solstice from SY Tranquility

December 21st, 2013 § 12 comments

This past month, Fabio and I have come far in our little boat.  It will take a long time for me to post here all of the things I have jotted down. This was one special moment entering Okracoke, an island of the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We arrived near sunset, and crossed a seabird superhighway. Fabio was doing his best to keep us on course as I scrambled around on deck with the camera. It was a bit of a come-to-Jesus moment, so here we are.

We miss being in NYC/Italy this time of year.  I miss Hanukkamas with Otto, Nicky and Sarah Bruner, window lights on Leonard St., trimming the nondenominational yet festive winter tree aka Geraldo Tree (RIP) in McCarren Park, walking through the overpriced pines-for-sale on city sidewalks, and the relative calm of the city between school semesters when the dynamic shifts towards that hardy year-round island resident feeling. Fabio misses his parents and friends, Mamma’s pumpkin ravioli, harassing his sister, playing with Meli… and a million other things.

We are happy with what we’re doing. Overjoyed, really.  But we miss you.

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