chic shell sale

January 5th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Getting married means, among other things, you have some new rings to keep track of. What it means for me personally is that I spend approximately half of my time in a light panic that I have lost my wedding bands, and the other half worrying about them getting schmutzy with marine paint.

rangsEnter the Oyster Roast Ring Dish, a Georgia coast handicraft by Plankton Every Day. The shells are sustainably harvested by my dear husband, who schucks (and eats) each oyster by hand, passing it over to me to be cured and transformed into a 24 carat gold ring dish.

Save your rings from solvents and grit, while adorning your boudoir with this elevated sea treasure. Each one is unique and gold content (ie. pricing) varies by piece. See current inventory over in the shop!


November 1st, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

A mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol, representing the universe. The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point.

Its a motif that I recognize from yoga and meditation practice, but have returned to as an aspect of “untetheredness”.  These snapshots are meant to be sent, lost, found, eaten, or otherwise made ephemeral. In any case, they are to be breathed in, a vehicle for arriving to the moment. Then I say, “thank you, mandala” and it is time to go. It’s a practice of mandala-to-go.

Carl Jung used mandalas as an art therapy to help focus a chaotic mind, a preparation for other types of work. They also help me in this way, to busy the hands into little lightning rods until the storm passes.

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UPDATE 1/6/16: Revisiting this post because its just perfect for this.

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