sailing the farm

December 18th, 2015 § 4 comments § permalink

This time of year often passes me by in a blur. Travel, cookies, family visits and work all conspire to keep me dazed. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of my life. Then I’m spit out next year.

Lately we are redoubling our efforts to thin out stuff, gift it away, and recommit to our very favorites. My eyeglasses broke and not only did I order the exact same replacements but also stockpiled parts from all the half broken or just plain ugly ones I’m letting go of.

I imagine one possible future for myself, on a remote island setting up an eyeglasses repair shop with my very tiny screwdrivers.

There’s a book called Sailing the Farm that we are in danger of becoming disciples of. It outlines a post-currency lifestyle where goods and services are bartered and it all boils down to how prepared you are. How prepared we are.

All things being coincidental, we very recently met a pair of sailors on a fully handmade wooden boat, with a greenhouse built into the v-berth and a perfect zero waste nutrient cycle on board. We spent a lovely evening poking around their boat and sampling from their pantry, the whole small space full of laughter and music.


Foredeck greenhouse


Meta with her mini harp


Greens taking a breather

I have turned a corner almost fully regarding scarsity. Its now a great joyful game where it was once my greatest fear. Having less and less, but more of what I need, I’m spring-loaded. Lighter and more prepared.

the divine hand

November 6th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

“To dowse is to search with the aid of a handheld instrument such as a forked stick or a pendular bob on the end of a string – for anything: subterranean water flowing in a narrow underground fissure, a pool of oil or a vein of mineral ore, a buried sewer pipe or electrical cable, an airplane downed in a mountain wilderness, a disabled ship helplessly adrift in a gale, a lost wallet or dog, a missing person, perhaps a buried treasure.” ~Christopher Bird



November 1st, 2015 § 1 comment § permalink

A mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol, representing the universe. The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point.

Its a motif that I recognize from yoga and meditation practice, but have returned to as an aspect of “untetheredness”.  These snapshots are meant to be sent, lost, found, eaten, or otherwise made ephemeral. In any case, they are to be breathed in, a vehicle for arriving to the moment. Then I say, “thank you, mandala” and it is time to go. It’s a practice of mandala-to-go.

Carl Jung used mandalas as an art therapy to help focus a chaotic mind, a preparation for other types of work. They also help me in this way, to busy the hands into little lightning rods until the storm passes.

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UPDATE 1/6/16: Revisiting this post because its just perfect for this.

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